Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria – Storage Solution from Folded Space

Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria - Folded Space - Dice

It’s been a little while since I raved about the virtues of Folded Space boardgame inserts!

I bought three of them at the same time back in December, but then only assembled the Guild Academies of Valeria one.

However, I’ve now put together the second one, for Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria, and while it’s not quite as good as the previous one (and still gave me a few difficulties), it’s almost as impressive in how it holds everything together in the box.

You can find more details about the insert here.

Let’s take a look at it and see what’s what.

As usual, the Folded Space insert comes in a series of Evacore (a kind of memory foam) sheets with the pieces already cut, ready to punch out.

There are a lot of different pieces in the game and all need to be organized, especially because this insert also holds the components for the Rise of the Titans as well as Riftlands expansions.

There are dice!

Lots of dice.

Sooooo many dice.

But there’s a really nice container for them!

The dice container fits really nicely in the corner, alongside the five player piece trays and the tray for the gems (stacked in two columns) as shown.

Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria - Folded Space - Player Pieces

Next to that is the card tray, and like most card trays, these are the most difficult to put together because they’re not rectangular trays with sliding walls in between sections (like the pieces trays).

Thankfully, these weren’t too bad. They’re still vertical (don’t get me started on the slanted ones I just put together for a different game) but there’s no base to glue everything to. You have to make sure that you glue the sides well.

I think I did ok.

Over on the other side of the box is where all of the player boards go.

On top of that, on one side, are the battle maps. Along with something I wasn’t sure what it was for when I put it together.

Part of it is just a spacer to keep the battle maps from moving around, but it also holds the Rise of Titans Great Battle cards.

Hanging off of that on top of the battle maps are the Riftlands player board extensions as well as the Shrine of Titans from the first expansion.

Of course, that leaves a perfect slot for the board to be placed, snug as a bug in a rug.

Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria - Folded Space - Board

On top of all that are the rulebooks as well as the Riftlands rift board which doesn’t fit in any actual slot that I can see (and according to the pictures on the Folded Space site, I have it right!)

Overall, this is how it looks. Tight up against the lid. I’ve noticed just a touch of lid lift, but it’s not really noticeable.

Being so tight, it can be shelved vertically very easily. The dice move around a little bit within their container, but they don’t get loose at all.

I love that Folded Space is starting to use graphics from the game in their trays and containers.

Just scroll up to that dice container and drink in the artistic goodness!

All you need to put these trays and containers together is a little Elmer’s glue and a bit of a steady hand (which I can only aspire to, but that means if I can do it, so can you!).

This is such an excellent insert, ready to use right out of the box, handing out the player trays so everybody can start setting up simultaneously.

Setup and takedown is a breeze with this insert.

If you want to check it out, it’s available at many online boardgame retailers, but also direct from Folded Space (and shipping isn’t bad, even to Canada!)

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