Tag: Dixit: Odyssey

Boardgame Geek Top 300 – Play or Played – #220-211

We’re heading into the home stretch with our look at the Top 300 games on Boardgame Geek. I may even finish before October! Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I’ve actually really enjoyed doing this list, even as I stated last week that it just… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 300 – Play or Played – #220-211”

Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #200-191

After finally getting the last post for the BGG Top 100 games done last week, I was a bit at a loss. What to do for a follow-up? I’m still not getting many games played and while I am behind on a review or… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #200-191”