April 2024 Gaming

After a really full March, where it seemed like I played one game a day (ok, that’s only if you average it out, but still), April was a wasteland for gaming, sadly.

Missing two Sundays, not as many games during lunch at work (if we hadn’t played some work games, though, it would have been even worse!), it just kind of sucked.

However, even though there were very few games played in total, the quality of the games was actually quite good!

Or at least the month allowed me to play some games I haven’t played in a very long time.

Let’s take a look at what was actually played.

And here all of that is in grid form.

There are a few games in there that haven’t been seen on this blog in a very long time!

Many thanks to BG Stats for all of this wonderful data.

If you have any interest in tracking your plays at all, you have to invest in this app.

Anyway, this is going to be a short post, but lets get to the meat of things.

Or the carrot of things for you vegetarians out there.

I already talked about the two new to me games, so I won’t go into those here.

But how about some of the games that haven’t been played in quite a while?

Watergate is a great 2-player game about the whole Nixon Watergate scandal, where players are either the reporters trying to pin it on Nixon or they are Nixon trying to get at least to the end of his term.


I haven’t played this one since June 2022, so it was great to get it back to the table!

It used to be one of my top games and it’s still very enjoyable.

This really needs to hit the table more often.

Another game that hasn’t played for ages, even worse than Watergate, is London: 2nd Edition.

I haven’t played this one since 2017!

This is a tableau-builder but it’s also a Martin Wallace game so of course there’s debt and poverty.

You are “building” cards into your tableau, and to make them work, you have to “run” your city.

However, you get poverty for every stack of cards in your city as well as every card in your hand when you run it.

I played this twice when it first came out and I bought it, but then it hasn’t seen the table since, until last Sunday.

It was a very cozy game, even though there were a lot of impoverished Londoners out there.

Well, it was cozy for me, anyway.

Finally of note, there’s Viticulture, the game of running a vineyard!

This one hasn’t been played on the table since 2016!

And I’ve never played the Tuscany expansion, on the table at least.

This one’s a bit mitigated by the fact that I play the app a ton, and the app has had the Tuscany expansion for a while now.

But still, it was great to actually manipulate the cards and place my tokens and all of that good stuff.

This isn’t a favourite game of mine, but I always enjoy it on the app.

It was very enjoyable to get it to the table finally.

Of course, playing my monthly Combat Commander game is always fun, and even though it hasn’t been as long, I did get enough plays of Villages of Valeria in to actually write a review!

More plays (a bunch, actually) of Oh My Goods means that I may actually do a review of that one soon too.

Yeah, like reviews of really old games get a lot of hits, right?

Anyway, that was my April, as meager as it was.

What did you play in April?

Let me know in the comments.

3 Comments on “April 2024 Gaming

    • That is a nice mix!

      I’m definitely interested in trying Rebel Fury at some point. I need to spend a little time with it first.

      And Dune Imperium: Uprising is definitely on my must-play list. Almost played it on Sunday!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Two long-time favorites of mine in the mix (Watergate and Viticulture)!

      My own April gaming was crowned by ClioCon, which gave us the opportunity to play some hot new things (Daybreak, Fire & Stone) as well as long-loved games (Eldritch Horror, Friedrich).

      Liked by 2 people

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