May 2024 Gaming

13 - BG Stats - May 2024 - Grid

May seemed like a really dead month for gaming.

Hell, we missed out on two Sunday game days (Mother’s Day and a marathon the week before) so I thought it was going to be almost as bad as April.

When I looked at my BG Stats app, though (and you should really get this app if you record your plays at all!), it turns out that I had 21 plays in May, as opposed to 10 in April.

What the hell happened?

Well, there were some lunchtime games, where we played a bunch of stuff (including all 5 chapters of the first Oh My Goods expansion), and then the Sundays I did play were filled up with some good games as well.

Only one new to me game, but a couple of expansions, as detailed yesterday.

Here’s the list of games I played last month.

And here it is in grid form.

Pleasantly, there are a couple of games I haven’t played in a while!

Those are always the best.

This may not be as short as last month, but it will probably be kind of short.

So let’s begin so you can get on with your day!

The surprise of the month, just because I didn’t know any of my friends owned the game, was a play of Alhambra, the game where you are building an alhambra, trying to score points based on the type of tiles that you are including in it, as well as the walls that are ringing the outside of it!

Alhambra - tiles

This is a classic game that I’ve played a couple of times on Boardgame Arena, but otherwise I haven’t played on the table since 2012.


That’s an old-time classic.

I like this tile-laying game where you are trying to connect walls and other tiles to build the most beautiful alhambra around.

I love the scoring on this one, where each type of tile is scored three times based on how many of that type of tile each player has.

I concentrated on more prestige ones and I won pretty well!

Since I haven’t played it in forever (even the last Boardgame Arena play was in 2022), that was a nice feeling.

Another game I haven’t played in forever is Team Play.

This card game where players form teams of two players each (you really need at least 6 to play this one) is always enjoyable, and as you can see from the box image above, it’s being reprinted by Wizkids!

I didn’t actually get any pictures of our play this month, but I haven’t played this one since 2019!

Both times were at work as part of a lunch where we had multiple players.

In this case, it was a faculty-sponsored (kind of) boardgame day where we actually managed to have 6 players available.

It was a natural!

This is actually a really great game if you have 6 players or more because it’s quick, it’s fun, and it’s easy to teach.

Though some of our players had trouble understanding the goals.

But you can’t have everything!

It was also nice to get a play of 7 Wonders: Duel in, the first since 2022.

This 2-player quick game is really perfect for lunch, but we have been playing a lot more 3-player games at lunch so it hasn’t hit the table.

I made a point of wanting to get it to the table when we had a chance this month and it was a blast!

Of course, there’s the monthly Combat Commander ladder game, and we got another game of Scholars of the South Tigris in (one of my faves).

Our play of Sagrada wasn’t especially noteworthy, other than two things: one, I had probably the worst game I’ve ever had. Secondly, we introduced another co-worker to it and hopefully she will be joining us for more games when she’s in town!

It was also nice to get my third play of Guild Academies of Valeria played so that I can review it.

Look for that coming this month!


Anyway, that’s my May gaming.

Hopefully June will be even more full, and with more new-to-me games. I’m hoping to get a new one in today! And more to come.

We may miss one Sunday (Father’s Day), but it shouldn’t be as bad as May.

We’ll see what happens.

What did you play in May?

Let me know in the comments.

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