Tag: City Building

New to Me – March 2024

Aloha! (Saying this for my friend who’s out on a cruise, even though she’s not technically going to Hawaii but somewhere just as warm). You may be wondering. “Dave, why are you wearing socks with sandals?” I would say that you should just keep… Continue Reading “New to Me – March 2024”

New to Me – February 2023

February is the shortest month of the year, though it can seem quite long (or did before a stat holiday was added to it). It can seem even longer when you don’t get as many games played as usual! As I mentioned in my… Continue Reading “New to Me – February 2023”

Boardgame Geek Top 300 – Play or Played – #250 – 241

What? Two editions of this list in two weeks? Could Dave be back? I wouldn’t count on it, but this is a welcome thing to see! My editor is very happy (Editor: Yeah, so happy I could almost not speak in a monotone) It’s… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 300 – Play or Played – #250 – 241”