Tag: Dokmus

Friday Night Shots – Convention Game Behaviour

Welcome back for another week! I’ve been keeping the seat warm for you, since it’s starting to get a little colder out. Yes, I’ve added heaters! Hasn’t brought in anymore customers, though, which is too bad. Maybe I shouldn’t have started testing these heated… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Convention Game Behaviour”

New to Me – August 2023

August was all set to be a banner “new to me” games month. Hell, I was going to a convention! That’s always a great place for new to me games. Sadly, it was not to be, with only three new to me games played.… Continue Reading “New to Me – August 2023”

Dragonflight 2023 Retrospective

Dragonflight was my first convention ever, back in 2015 (I think). It’s held at the same hotel in Bellevue, Washington, as OrcaCon is held (though the hotel rooms are a lot more expensive, being in the Summer instead of January like OrcaCon). Thus, it… Continue Reading “Dragonflight 2023 Retrospective”