Tag: Mandoo Games

Friday Night Shots – Drafting Games

It’s been a week since my last post. And wow, what a week. Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but I just needed a bit of a recharge and decided not to think too much about writing this week. More stuff coming next week, definitely.… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Drafting Games”

New to Me – September 2022

September was a weird month as far as boardgaming went. Our Sundays were sparsely-attended and we ended up playing games that we were already familiar with. With one of my usual gaming co-workers away for most of the month, my other co-worker agreed to… Continue Reading “New to Me – September 2022”

SHUX 2022 Retrospective

Last weekend, for the first time in almost three years, I actually went to a game convention. COVID really did put a damper on things. SHUX is the Shut Up & Sit Down gaming convention held at the Convention Centre in my home town… Continue Reading “SHUX 2022 Retrospective”