Tag: Matt Hyra

New to Me – October 2022

October started out really kind of warm and ended really cold and rainy. Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! But it was a good month for gaming. I already told you about the month in general, though, so let’s stick to the stuff that you… Continue Reading “New to Me – October 2022”

SHUX 2022 Retrospective

Last weekend, for the first time in almost three years, I actually went to a game convention. COVID really did put a damper on things. SHUX is the Shut Up & Sit Down gaming convention held at the Convention Centre in my home town… Continue Reading “SHUX 2022 Retrospective”

Epic Spells Wars Moves into Deckbuilding

Fans of the Epic Spell Wars series of card games designed by Matt Hyra and published by Cryptozoic Games have another reason to be excited this Fall. Cryptozoic has announced the there will be a new deckbuilding version of the classic card game coming out… Continue Reading “Epic Spells Wars Moves into Deckbuilding”

Review – DC Comics Deck-building Game

When I was growing up, I was a DC Comics fanboy. Sure, I followed some of the Marvel stuff too, but DC Comics was where it was at. I got my start with the 1980 version of Teen Titans written by Marv Wolfman with… Continue Reading “Review – DC Comics Deck-building Game”