Tag: Zoo Vadis

Friday Night Shots – Friendship Killing Games

Diplomacy - Renegade

It’s another Friday and welcome to the bar! Funny how nobody else seems to be in here, but it is raining out there pretty good. Always happy to have just my friends in the bar with me, hanging out on a Friday night. Who… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Friendship Killing Games”

New to Me – October 2023

October was a great month for new to me games! That’s been a bit unusual lately, so I’m glad that this is back on the upswing. Of course, with every improvement there comes a downside. I played 5 new to me games in October,… Continue Reading “New to Me – October 2023”

Friday Night Shots – Mechanic Surprises

Welcome back to another Friday! The year is moving on, week by week, but I’m happy to have you spend at least a bit of your Friday night with me (or, more likely, your Saturday morning, but beggars can’t be choosers!). Belly up to… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Mechanic Surprises”