Tag: Jaipur

Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #140 – 131

Welcome to this week’s edition of BGG’s Top 200 games! The series where I look at those games in the BGG rankings from #200-101, ten games at a time. Two weeks in a row? That’s gotta be a record. Things are actually looking pretty… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #140 – 131”

New to Me – June 2020

It was a month of horror in the Dude Take Your Turn household in June. Not because of anything bad, and certainly nothing virus-related. It’s just that 2 of the 4 new games played this month have to do with Ancient Evils trying destroy… Continue Reading “New to Me – June 2020”

Asmodee Digital is busy – Jaipur released and New Game Announced

One thing you cannot say about Asmodee Digital is that they are goofing off. Unless you count playing games as goofing off, in which case I’m done with you. Yesterday, I posted my review of the wonderful Onirim digital adaptation yesterday, and they’re already… Continue Reading “Asmodee Digital is busy – Jaipur released and New Game Announced”