Tag: Last Hundred Yards Volume 2: Airborne Over Europe

New to Me – November 2023

With a convention coming in November, I had a feeling that this New to Me games list would get pretty hefty. Little did I know how hefty it would get! This was a big month for new to me games. Even better, many of… Continue Reading “New to Me – November 2023”

Bottoscon 2023 Retrospective

This post has been a long time coming, mainly due to exhaustion on my part. A four-day con is a long con, especially when you are playing a lot of longer games. All of that would be fine, except then I started work on… Continue Reading “Bottoscon 2023 Retrospective”

Friday Night Shots – Con Anticipation

Look at it out there! It’s dark and it’s only 5:00. But the bar is cozy, and it’s certainly airy with nobody but you in it. I hope you’re looking forward to a really nice weekend. I know I am! Have a seat and… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Con Anticipation”

Friday Night Shots – Convention Game Behaviour

Welcome back for another week! I’ve been keeping the seat warm for you, since it’s starting to get a little colder out. Yes, I’ve added heaters! Hasn’t brought in anymore customers, though, which is too bad. Maybe I shouldn’t have started testing these heated… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Convention Game Behaviour”

Friday Night Shots – My Take on Game Storage Solutions

(Edit: 4/15/23) – I completely forgot one of my big annoyances regarding storage solutions: never being sure if the game’s going to get an expansion that makes the solution obsolete! Right now, my Dune Imperium box has a hodgepodge of baggies and stuff in… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – My Take on Game Storage Solutions”

Highlights From the August 2022 GMT Games Update

I was completely surprised to discover that my last post about the monthly GMT Update was from December 2021. I know I said I was taking over for the Players’ Aid while their written blog was kind of back-burnered due to real-life stuff. They’re… Continue Reading “Highlights From the August 2022 GMT Games Update”

Friday Night Shots – Removing the Shrinkwrap From New Games

It’s Friday, a week before Christmas, and the whiskey is flowing while I read blog posts. Or write them! I just got three new games this week from 401 Games (my Canadian retailer of choice for boardgames) and as I was eagerly ripping the… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Removing the Shrinkwrap From New Games”