Tag: Maracaibo

App Review – Maracaibo

Have you ever wanted to just get slammed upside the head repeatedly by a deck of cards? No, just me? Well, it’s a good thing that you probably don’t suck at Maracaibo as much as I do, so you’ll probably actually enjoy not having… Continue Reading “App Review – Maracaibo”

Maracaibo – Digital Coming Soon!

(Edit: 12/6/21 – We have a release date! It’s coming on December 20. So soon!!! Here’s another screenshot. (Edit: 10/7/21 – Spiralburst Studio has released a couple more screenshots and a preview video! Here’s the video And here are a couple of screenshots. No… Continue Reading “Maracaibo – Digital Coming Soon!”

Maracaibo Coming to Digital!

How about a little news for the last day of my vacation? *sniff* Sorry, let me just absorb that sentence again. *sob* Anyway, yesterday it was announced that Maracaibo, a 2019 game published by Board & Dice, designed by Alexander Pfister with art by… Continue Reading “Maracaibo Coming to Digital!”

Imbalanced Boardgames – What’s Wrong With These People?

Yesterday, in the midst of watching my blog views go to new heights because of a small bit of Terraforming Mars news, I saw this tweet from Robin David on Twitter: Cold blooded! pic.twitter.com/hAZLBeEjfd — Robin David (@robinwriting) May 27, 2020 This tweet highlighted comments… Continue Reading “Imbalanced Boardgames – What’s Wrong With These People?”