Tag: Splendor

Friday Night Shots – Box Size Preference – Room for Expansions?

Ezra & Nehemiah - box

Yes, the bar is still open! It’s just been under renovations for the last…month, I guess. Hopefully they’ve fixed that jukebox so that it stops playing shitty music. Anyway, welcome back! I’m happy to have you stop by, have a drink, and talk a… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots – Box Size Preference – Room for Expansions?”

Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #160-151

Another week, another “wow, I haven’t played many games” post. It’s almost like I’m failing as a “gamer”. Is that possible? Should I really feel bad that I haven’t played a bunch of games? Maybe, if I’m actually writing about them. Am I not… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – #160-151”

Cities of Splendor expansion coming from Asmodee

Splendor is a relatively fast, pretty fun game about collecting gems and using those gems to buy more gems. It plays in about half an hour and is actually a joy to play (maybe because it’s one of the few games that it’s not… Continue Reading “Cities of Splendor expansion coming from Asmodee”