Tag: Ra – The Game

Friday Night Shots (Saturday Edition) – Auction Games

Apologies for the bar being closed last night! It’s been a bit of a struggle the last couple of weeks getting stuff written as I’ve been suffering from a bit of imposter syndrome, wondering again what the heck I’m doing with this thing. I’m… Continue Reading “Friday Night Shots (Saturday Edition) – Auction Games”

September 2023 Gaming

As 2023 steamrolls ahead, another month of gaming is complete! September actually was a slight step back from August, even though I didn’t miss any game days! However, there were fewer days at work where we had lunch free to play. In addition to… Continue Reading “September 2023 Gaming”

Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – 180-171

This post has been a long time coming. Sorry about that. Life has a way of getting away from you sometimes, doesn’t it? Especially in these chaotic times. I swear that 2020 has been…well, let’s say “challenging.” However, I have made promises to people… Continue Reading “Boardgame Geek Top 200 – Play or Played – 180-171”